Hip Hop, The Music Industry & The Prison Industrial Complex

What is the The Prison Industrial Complex?
How are The Music Industry and Hip Hop involved?
How exactly does Corporate Ownership of Rap Labels influence the Lyrical Content of Hip Hop and Rap?

Click on the links below to find out…

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Prison Industrial Complex:

Musical Hegemony aims to provide fact based information as well as a comprehensive overview of The Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) – that is, the For-Profit Prison Industry – and its relationship to Rap Music by identifying and analyzing the Interlocking Corporate Directorates that exist between The Music Industry, Private Prisons and Government Institutions.

These relationships have been illustrated using a detailed Network Analysis Diagram of key industry figures and government institutions, to show some of the major stakeholders within the Prison Industrial Complex whilst giving a brief explanation as to their past and present business dealings.

In addition to our recommended reading and viewing in the  Further Resources section, the site also features a short outline of Antonio Gramsci’s social Theory of Hegemony, which explains the ideological domination of the working class by the ruling elite through corporate, social and government Ideological State Apparatus (ISAs).